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Private Banking Digest - 8 June 2020
Published on 08 Jun 13:48 by Sam Yip

Equity Research Digest - 8 June 2020
Published on 08 Jun 13:38 by Sam Yip

Importance of glossary in legal and financial translations
Published on 30 May 11:26 by Sam Yip

Reshaping equity research business with AI
Published on 22 May 13:20 by Sam Yip

With the rise of AI translation, why hire human translators
Published on 18 May 10:38 by Sam Yip

​Is AI Ready to Translate Financial News
Published on 14 May 10:17 by Erik Chan

​AI translation for Company Financial Reports
Published on 13 May 05:04 by Erik Chan

​Applying AI translation to Equity Research Reports
Published on 12 May 05:27 by Erik Chan

Does my company need a translation management system
Published on 11 May 15:17 by Erik Chan

​Should my company implement AI translation tools
Published on 10 May 13:59 by Erik Chan

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About Us

TranslateFX develops AI translation technology specifically for financial and legal institutions. The company develops AI models and workflow tools for clients of all sizes. We believe humans always play and important part of the process and our tools reduce the time and costs of translation by 60% or more.

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